How OMSs help empower eCommerce

Talk of business trends usually revolves around process optimization and efficiency rather than just volume. As such, order management systems (OMSs) are gaining popularity, thanks in large part to their ability to provide immediate results. First off, we need to clarify that inventory management systems (IMSs) are not the same as OMSs. The former is […]

Recommendations for malware removal on Android devices

The number of malware-infected Android apps in app stores is higher than ever. In fact, there’s a decent chance that your Android smartphone or tablet is already infected. Follow these malware removal tips to minimize the damage to your device, data, and business. Confirm the malware infection Android devices usually exhibit strange behaviors when they’re […]

Things to consider when virtualizing

Powering your IT equipment costs money, but how much will you actually spend? If you have no idea, you’re in for a treat. Here are four questions you need to ask yourself before considering virtualization.  Studies have shown that over 70% of IT budgets go to “keeping the lights on.” If that sounds like a […]

Top reasons to record your calls

Call recording has been a feature in VoIP applications for a while now, but it is underutilized, especially by organizations that do not prioritize interaction with customers. This feature can strengthen the reputation of your company and boost customer satisfaction, when used properly. #1. Improve customer service One of the most important reasons why businesses […]

10 Office 365 features you need for work

Whether you need suggestions for your PowerPoint presentation, someone to edit your Word document, or input data into Excel, Office 365 has the features to help you with a variety of tasks. So the next time you need some help getting work done, try using these tricks with Office 365. Simultaneously edit a document with […]

Are YOU Prepared For Windows 7 To End?

If you’re one of the estimated 40%+ of businesses still on the outdated Windows 7 platform, consider this your wake-up call: time is nearly up for your trusty, tried-and-true operating system. On January 14, 2020, Microsoft will end support for Windows 7. That means no more updates, security or otherwise, will be offered by the […]

How can I update Windows 10 faster?

Updating your Windows 10 is an essential security measure for protecting your business from threats such as malware or ransomware. It’s free! And you don’t have to do much, all you have to do is wait. However, for some, that’s the downside. Can’t stand waiting? One of these will speed up your Windows 10 update. […]

Warning signs your computer has malware

With the rise of eCommerce and online banking, cybercrime has evolved. Like criminals who pull smash-and-grab jobs, they go where the money is. However, unlike bank robbers, cybercriminals do their best to avoid detection by letting malware do the work for them. Viruses and ransomware sneak into PCs to quietly steal passwords, financial credentials, and […]

5 ways to enhance your new laptop

Getting a new laptop, especially one of the latest models, can be very exciting. You can look forward to a better user experience with faster speed, more memory, and better battery life. But it’s all for nought if you don’t take certain preventive steps before using your new machine. Do these five things before you […]

Tips to improve your business website

Your company website creates an initial impression on potential customers. And because first impressions last, your website must be visually appealing, responsive, and up-to-date with web trends. Your visitors must have a seamless experience while navigating your site. These design trends will make them click on that “Buy Now” button. Scrolling Scrolling is a convenient […]