Do honest working hackers exist?

The word “hacker” conjures up an image of a hoodie-wearing basement dweller that programs all sorts of malicious attacks to infiltrate their target’s computer. But hackers are so much more than that. There are also hackers that use their skills to do good. A complicated history In the 1950s, the term ‘hacker’ was vaguely defined. […]

5 cloud security tips for business owners

Cloud computing marketing can be deceiving. When you see an image of the cloud, it’s often a happy, bubbly, white puffball floating delightfully in front of a blue sky background. Its presence is both calming and reassuring, which makes you believe that anything is possible. Security would never be an issue, right? Ask one of […]

Beware of these 4 types of hackers

Hackers come in all shapes and sizes. From kids wanting to gain notoriety on the internet to political groups trying to send a message, the motives for a cyberattack vary widely. So how can you protect yourself? It all starts with getting to know your enemy a little better.

5 proactive defenses against cyberattacks

As IT security consultants, we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Managed IT services providers (MSPs) such as ours want to provide clients with enterprise-level IT, but that requires that we specialize in overwhelmingly intricate technology. Explaining even the most fundamental aspects of cybersecurity would most likely put you to sleep instead of […]

How to protect your Mac computer

As a business owner, you work hard to succeed. But that can be difficult when you’re up against stiff competition and notorious cybercriminals. The future may be unpredictable, but that doesn’t mean you should take the security of your Mac device for granted. Protect it with these helpful tips.  The basics First, let’s start with […]

4 Social engineering scams to watch out for

Experts are constantly creating new security systems to protect individuals and businesses from hackers. From those who want to attend popular events like the Olympics to avoiding an angry boss, hackers are preying on gullible victims to circumvent network security systems and steal sensitive information.

5 Simple but effective cybersecurity tricks

Can you name five cybersecurity best practices? Most people can’t, and few of those who can, actually follow them. Unfortunately, cyberattacks are far too common to be lax about staying safe online. Your identity could be stolen, or even worse, you could expose private information belonging to your company’s clients. There are many ways you […]

4 BYOD security risks you should prepare for

Personal computing is with us wherever we go. Thanks to the rise of the mobile industry, smartphones and tablets allow us to take work home with us. And with the bring your own device (BYOD) strategy, businesses have never been so productive. However, BYOD can pose a number of security risks if you’re not careful. […]

New Spectre-style attack discovered

Security experts are constantly discovering new potential threats, and quite recently, they’ve found a new type of Spectre-style attack more dangerous than the original. Here’s a quick rundown of the new Spectre variant. Spectre 101 For those who don’t know, Spectre is a vulnerability in modern computer chips like Intel and AMD that allows hackers […]

IT security policies your company needs

When it comes to Internet security, most small businesses don’t have security policies in place. And considering that employee error is one of the most common causes of a security breach, it makes sense to implement rules your staff needs to follow. Here are four things your IT policies should cover. Internet In today’s business […]