How to utilize VoIP on-hold messages effectively

How to utilize VoIP on-hold messages effectively

In the fast-paced world of business, every second counts, including the time your customers spend on hold. Instead of wasting this valuable time, you can turn it into a strategic element of your customer service strategy using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) on-hold messages Let’s explore the best practices for creating VoIP on-hold messages to keep your customers informed and engaged, improve their satisfaction, and drive business results.

Increase brand recognition

Ditch the generic elevator music and robotic voices. Develop a professional, well-written script that is informative, engaging, and reflects your brand personality. Consider incorporating helpful tips relevant to your industry, or share interesting company facts to keep callers interested. Include your company name, tagline, or a catchy jingle to ensure your brand stays in mind even while customers wait.

Target your audience

Not all customers are created equal, so tailor your on-hold message content based on the typical caller your company receives. Do you mostly get potential clients seeking information? Or do you often receive calls from existing customers inquiring about your services? Understanding your audience allows you to craft targeted messages that provide real value.

Educate, inform, and reward

Use your on-hold messages to tell customers about your business. Briefly explain your unique selling proposition, share upcoming events, or provide helpful information related to your industry. You can also highlight new promotions, showcase popular products or services, or even offer exclusive deals for those who wait on hold. This not only keeps their attention but also reinforces your brand expertise.

Keep it concise and clear

When people are on hold, they are not actively seeking information. While you can use the time spent on hold to promote your business or services, remember to keep your message concise and easy to understand. Aim for short, digestible bursts of information delivered in a clear and friendly tone.

Include a call to action (CTA)

End your message with a clear CTA, whether it's directing customers to a specific website for a special offer, encouraging them to explore a new product line, or simply reminding them to reach out should they need any assistance.

Regularly update your message

Don't let your on-hold messages become stale. Update your content regularly to reflect seasonal promotions, new company initiatives, or even upcoming events. This keeps your message fresh and relevant for repeat callers.

By implementing these strategies, you can transform your VoIP on-hold messages from a routine interaction into a strategic advantage for your business. For more business technology tips, call our IT experts today.

Published with permission from Source.

Shawn Meyer

Shawn Meyer

Shawn has over 20 years experience in utilizing various technologies for implementation, management, and administration of Fortune 100 Enterprise Level distributed environments. As part of the management team, Shawn oversees Enterprise IT and Consulting engagements for RJ2 Technologies’s clients. Prior to RJ2 Technologies, Shawn was the regional IT manager for a large entertainment corporation and was recognized for his change management leadership during a complex system-wide conversion to digital media. In addition, Shawn has worked with various clients throughout the Chicagoland area. Shawn enjoys spending time with his wife and three energetic kids and volunteers for a variety of nonprofit organizations in the Chicagoland area.