Protecting your Android phone from malware

As a smartphone user, you should be just as concerned about your phone’s security from malware as you are about its physical safety. Malware and other forms of cyberthreats are becoming more and more common in smartphones and ignoring them can lead to disaster. Mobile malware MO Mobile malware can be just as harmful to […]

Protect your Android device

Protecting your Android device doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. Why spend more for its protection when there are free ways to do it? Our guide will help you find ways to safeguard your phone or tablet without having to spend a lot. Protecting your Android device from digital risks and theft should be […]

Sneaky Android adware apps to watch out for

A recent report by Sophos uncovered 15 adware apps in Google Play. These apps run unwanted ads on your device and collect marketing-type data about you. What’s more alarming is that 1.3 million Android users have downloaded at least one of these apps. Here’s a list of the adware apps that have been identified, and […]

Android app verifications

Android tablets are one of the more popular mobile devices because of the large variety of apps available to users. Unfortunately, as of 2019, there are reportedly over 2,000 fake apps on Google Play Store. These apps impersonate popular apps to trick users to install it. Once installed, these apps usually steal personal data or […]

Optimizing your Android tablet experience

More businesses are relying on Android tablets, especially those with staff who are mobile or away from the office. However, there are many business owners and managers who have trouble managing these Android devices. So, to help, we have created a brief guide on the do’s and don’ts of using your Android tablet at the […]

Android bloatware: What you need to know

If you have bought an Android phone on contract from a wireless provider, you’ve likely noticed apps that come preinstalled on your device. These apps are called bloatware, which many users don’t want. The problem is, they’re difficult — if not impossible — to uninstall. Luckily, there is something you can do about them. What […]

How to delete data from your mobile device

It’s not our business if you want to sell your old smartphone or give it away. But it’s a good idea to securely delete what’s stored in it because you wouldn’t want the next owner to get hold of your sensitive information. Follow the steps below before letting go  of your device. 1. Encrypt your […]

The best tips when backing up your Android data

A cyberattack or hardware failure can wipe out invaluable personal and work-related data on your device, so it’s best to back them up. This doesn’t just apply to desktops and laptops but to mobile devices as well. Android phones and tablets store plenty of important data, which means they need to be backed up, too. […]

Google Now is now Google Assistant

Google Assistant was launched in 2016 as an enhanced version of Google’s previous virtual assistant (VA), Google Now. It improved on Google Now’s features, and those who use Google-powered devices certainly have a lot to gain. What functionalities can you expect from the search giant’s AI-powered virtual assistant? Read on and find out. Locate the […]

How to remove viruses from your Android device

Is your Android phone or tablet acting strange? Is it running slower than usual? Is it consuming a lot of mobile data fast? If any of these instances sound familiar, your device may be infected with a virus. This guide will show you how to get rid of malware in your Android device. The lowdown […]