Android tablet pointers for the best sleep

If you want to run your business effectively, you need enough rest. This lets you focus, make better educated business decisions, communicate well with vendors and colleagues, and get things done properly. While your Android tablet is a helpful tool to help you accomplish some work-related tasks, it may also be disrupting your sleep. Make […]

How to make your Android apps more organized

Finding it hard to find the app you want on your Android device? If so, it’s time to organize your apps into folders. Here’s how. Creating and naming folders On most devices, when you install a new app, the icon will be automatically added to your home screen, or to a screen where there is […]

Recommendations for malware removal on Android devices

The number of malware-infected Android apps in app stores is higher than ever. In fact, there’s a decent chance that your Android smartphone or tablet is already infected. Follow these malware removal tips to minimize the damage to your device, data, and business. Confirm the malware infection Android devices usually exhibit strange behaviors when they’re […]

Stop Android location settings

When you use your Android smartphone for the first time, you’ll be asked about location services and whether you want to turn them on. Google and your carrier will ask you to approve their own location services as well. What you might not know is that there are other options for location services with Android […]

Android tip: Track your data use

Android devices are often most effective when they have a stable network connection. The problem is that many mobile networks limit how much data you can use during a subscription cycle. Instead of upgrading to a more expensive plan, consider paying closer attention to how and when you use data and scaling back. It’s easier […]

How to keep your Android device secure

According to this article, more people are relying on their smartphones for tasks such as surfing the internet, booking a taxi or an airline ticket, playing games, and ordering food. While you cannot predict if your Android device will be stolen or lost, the following tools will protect your personal information and give you peace […]

Using Android File Transfer to back up your files

You can’t risk losing important files on your Android phone, may they be your treasured family vacation photos or your detailed notes on your clients. It’s best to be prepared for the worst and back up your data on your Mac or PC. Here’s a guide to how you can do just that. To transfer […]

MTD enhances your business’s security

Major cybersecurity experts believe there are around 1.3 million unique malware designed to attack mobile devices at any given moment. That is why businesses must follow a mobile-first security strategy and devote more resources to protect smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Mobile threat detection (MTD) tactics are an excellent way to accomplish that. MTD and machine […]

7 Essential Android Apps for Business

Finding and installing the right apps for your tablet is a challenge to many Android users. How do you know which ones will boost your device’s functionality? Instead of downloading apps at random, try out these seven essential Android apps on your phone or tablet.

Mobile ransomware is coming for your Android

If malware infects your computer, it would either crash at random, display annoying ads or notifications, or slow down. An Android device that has been breached by malware will not immediately show any signs of infection, unless it’s ransomware. How does ransomware make it onto your Android device? Like its desktop equivalent, mobile ransomware needs […]