
Network Security: How to be Proactive, Not Just Reactive

Who to trust with your network security?
Shopping around for a managed IT services provider is tough. You’re looking for a business to manage extremely complex and delicate technology, so they can’t be expected to get into the nitty gritty details of DNS-layer security, intrusion prevention systems, and encryption in their marketing content.

Stick with G Suite or Upgrade to Office 365?

With our busy schedules, we all could use more time to ourselves and loved ones. Getting back home in time for a real meal is now a luxury for many. Thanks to productivity tools like Google’s G Suite and Microsoft’s Office 365, we’re able to regain some of our lost time.

Which Browser Wins the Desktop Support Award?

Which browser do desktop support professionals recommend?
The web browser battle has been raging for decades. The feud between Internet Explorer and Netscape has long since passed, and now we’re dealing with a much larger field of competition. Today, there are at least four browsers vying for domination, and we’ve broken down each one by its pros and cons, from a desktop support perspective.

4 ways IoT drives Hyperconvergence

The Internet of Things is driving business towards hyperconvergence, but how?
From smart thermostats to wearable devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) has reinvented the ways both businesses and individuals connect. Many IT experts have even labeled IoT as a “game changer,” and while we’re usually skeptical of this term when it comes to new technology, IoT devices can open up your business to a multitude of possibilities, all working together to improve your company's hyperconvergence.

Virtualization Through Hyperconvergence

Don’t worry, we’ll keep this one simple. Virtualization is confusing enough, and hyperconvergence is one of the newest solutions within the field, making it even harder to grasp. The quick and easy summary is this: Hypconvergence is about virtualizing the hardware and software components required to deploy and manage databases and virtualized desktop infrastructures.